Antagonistic Textiles

Jens Pettersen discusses the precociousness of textile and fiber works often hiding an unassuming hostility that can be difficult to confront. Ranging from 19th-century industrial methods to ever-expanding digital technologies, how have textile artists found themselves within a schism of what the production of textile art actually means?

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Community Spotlight Orquidia Violeta

Orquidia Violeta is a Salvadoran-American textile artist. Growing up in a dirt-floored farmhouse in Central America, she remembers the embroidered pink dress her mother sent her from the US. Orquidia crossed the US border as a six-year-old refugee and went on to earn...

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Community Spotlight Sonja Dahl

Sonja Dahl is an artist, writer and lecturer of contemporary art at the University of Oregon. Her work critically explores the cultural, historic, metaphoric and embodied aspects of how textile processes such as indigo dyeing, whitework embroidery and patchwork quilting live within and reflect the values of human societies. She conducts her research and art making from a situated acknowledgment and critical engagement with her white, American, settler identity.

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Community Spotlight Sarah Brahim

Sarah Brahim’s art practice focuses on collaborative work with artists across mediums. Brahim performs, choreographs, and directs movement professionally across the United States, Europe and the Middle East. Her performances and film works touch on themes of culture, loss, identity, veiling, borders, race, migration, transnational experience, women of color experience, body in landscape and the imprint places leave within us.

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Community Spotlight Christine Miller

  We recently had the opportunity to connect with Christine Miller, conceptual artist and curator based in Portland, OR. In conversation with Stephanie Sun, Christine discussed her recent show at Disjecta PDX, dismantling traditions, working with and expanding...

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Community Spotlight Lauren Prado

Artist Lauren Prado works with a variety of textiles in her practice, exploring and challenging representations of the digital images and products which flood our online feeds. We recently had the opportunity to connect with Lauren and discuss her take on the theme of New Traditions, how her creative practice has shifted during our global pandemic, and more.

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Community Spotlight Terumi Saito

Terumi Saito’s “BIRDS DIETY” grew from her experiences studying with master dyers, basket makers, and weavers from Peru and Guatemala. Terumi’s evocative work proposes a “contemporary hybrid craft” created with the intention to preserve, honor, and revive interest in these classic techniques through a different perspective.

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