Helen Kennedy
http://htkennedy.com/Formal Education B.A. Mills College, Biology MBA UCLA Anderson School of Business, 1985 Work Experience Self-employed fiber artist, 2012 to present President, Lewis Kennedy Associates, 1995-2012 Director of Development, Oregon Public Broadcasting, 1989-1995 Workshop participation (in person and on line) Felting: Gladys Paulus, Marjolein Dallinga at Bloomfelt, Judith Dios, Fiona Duthie, Zia Gipson, Yekaterina (Katia) Mokeyeva, Renate Maile- Moskowitz, Pam deGroot, Eva Camacho-Sanchez, and Susan Thompson at Spirited Hands Studio. Natural Dyeing and Shibori: Kathy Hattori at Botanical Colors, Charlotte Kwon, Sophena Kwon, Danielle Bush, and Natalie Grambow at Maiwa School of Textiles, Takayuki and Tomo Ishii of Awonoyoh, Joan Morris, Nicola Brown, Rick Rao, Jane Callender, Irit Dulman, Porfirio Gutierrez, and Aboubakar Fofana. Papermaking: Pulp & Deckle (Portland) Online classes in drawing and painting with Lisa Congdon, Pam Garrison, Lisa Solomon Exhibitions Gallery 114, Portland, 2023 Tucson Museum of Art Artisan Markets, 2017- 2020 Portland Open Studios, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020 Many of the markets were suspended during the pandemic Teaching Indigo Dyeing, Tucson Handweavers and Spinning Guild (study groups) Wet-felting, Tucson Handweavers and Spinning Guild (study groups) Blue Magic – An Intro to Indigo and Shibori, Tucson, AZ, March 2023 Indigo Dyeing: Bamboo Garden Nursery, Ned Jaquith Foundation Benefit